Jessica Alba Falls Victim To The Worst Celebrity Twitter Hack We’ve Seen In A LONG Time… – Perez Hilton

Jessica Alba Falls Victim To The Worst Celebrity Twitter Hack We’ve Seen In A LONG Time… – Perez Hilton

August 3, 2019 Off By WhoThatCelebsRS

This is, without a doubt, the worst — and longest — hacking of a celebrity Twitter account

Alba’s name trended worldwide all night long with news of the hacking, and thousands upon thousands of people reacted strongly to it; the hack came overnight at an otherwise slow time across most of Twitter, so it ended up completely overwhelming the site, and it felt like it was all anybody could talk about!

Not only that, but it must’ve been a difficult evening and early morning for her personal PR/publicist team, and her business team at the Honest Company, considering the content of the messages going out.

As you can see (below), even just this very small sampling of the hacked messages makes for straight up horrific and disgusting racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, and conspiracy-theory-fueled content that isn’t fit for decent people:

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